July 15, 2021

This is my best effort disclosure for potential conflicts of interest. I am unaware of any specific guidelines from the Canadian Association of Physicists or American Physical Society.


Associate Professor, Department of Earth, Energy, and Environment, and School of Public Policy, University of Calgary

Sources of Financial Support (>$10,000 in the last 3 years)

University of Calgary

Colorado School of Mines

Canadian Institute for Climate Choices

Emissions Reduction Alberta

Relevant Paid or Unpaid Activities

Co-founder and co-host Energy vs Climate

Contributor, CBC, Globe and Mail, The Hill Times

Expert member for Clean Growth, Canadian Climate Choices Institute

Board Member, Pembina Institute

Board Member, Emissions Reduction Alberta

Board Member, Centre for Applied Business Research in Energy and the Environment, University of Alberta

Prior Employment

Senior Research Associate, Payne Institute for Public Policy, Colorado School of Mines

Research fellow, University of Calgary, School of Public Policy

Founding director, Business Renewable Centre Canada

Managing director, Clean Economy, Pembina Institute

CEO, PowerIQ (electricity market modeling), McKinsey & Company

Practice manager, Clean Technologies, McKinsey & Company

Management consultant, McKinsey & Company

Asset disclosure

My spouse and I hold shares in Canadian and International index funds.

Disclosure for family


Political parties

I am not a member of any political party. I provide occasional policy advice to a range of policy makers and government officials.